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Small Fry 3,000,000 Volt Rechargeable Stun Gun & Flashlight!

Small as a pack of cigarettes, the Small Fry is a small but powerful rechargeable stun gun with a powerful punch. With superior input, you get superior output. Fire this baby up and the nasty crackling sound alone is enough to make your attacker think twice about getting in range. Also works as a super bright 4 LED Flashlight. The Lifetime Warranty lets you know it is made of the highest quality components.

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3,000,000 Volts!

Small and Easy to Conceal
Snag Resistant Flat Contacts Increase Shock Surface
Holster Included
No Need To Buy Batteries!
Disable Pin, So Your Stun Gun Can Never Be Used on You
Also includes a 4 LED Flashlight

Small Fry Stun Gun

$49.95 each