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Stun Flashlights

Never be without self-defense with these multi-purpose stun-ning flashlights!

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This handy Flashlight is also a very Loud 130 db Alarm
and an 80,000 volt Stun Baton!


      • The body is made of fiberglass reinforced plastic.

      • Uses one 9-volt alkaline battery.

      • 8 inches long


Add 1 Energizer Alkaline Battery $2.50

$54.00 each


This heavy duty, strong beamed Flashlight is also a 130 db Alarm
and an 200,000 volt Stun Baton!


• Comes with attachable red cone for signaling or danger warning.

• The body is made of fiberglass reinforced plastic.

• Uses three 9-volt alkaline batteries.

• 16.5 inches long.

Add 3 Energizer Alkaline Batteries $7.50

$79.00 each